
Open Arms Walk For Life
The Walk for Life and Fun Run is a peaceful, positive event giving people a way to apply their pro-life convictions, raise support and increase awareness in our community. It is a family friendly event that helps us support the incredible work that Open Arms Pregnancy Clinic is doing!
Find more information and register here!

Adult Sunday School Begins
Join us each Sunday morning for a bible study for adults! The class beings August 21st with a study of 1 John, and will continue each week at 9:00am. At the same time, Sunday School classes are available for kids Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

Joy Club Luncheon
Join the JOY Club (Just. Older. Youth.) for a luncheon on Saturday, August 13th. Enjoy a time of music, food, fun and fellowship!

Family Sunday: Summer Recap
Join us for Family Sunday, where kids (K-5th grade) join us for the main service. We will be highlighting the Kids Club, Youth Camp and other summer activities! PLUS there will be food truck at the church for lunch after the service!

Kid’s Bible Club
Kid’s Bible Club are back! This Summer we are hosting backyard Bible Clubs for Kids K-5th grade! We will meet each morning at the church from July 25-29th! More information and registration coming soon!

Discovering Calvary: New Members Class
Come and learn about our church, our beliefs, and what it means to become a member of the Calvary Church family! This is a four week class (Sundays from 9:00am-10:00am), beginning on July 17th.

Youth Summer Camp
Our Calvary Church Youth (Grade 7th-12th) are headed to camp and service project at Gospel Community Church from June 29th - July 2nd! We will be helping with work projects and community outreach + enjoying games, Bible study, and a Surprise Event!

Estate Planning Seminar
We are hosting a free Estate Planning Seminar for our church! The seminar will include appointments for those interested on Sunday, June 12th after the service.

Family Sunday
Kids K-5th join in the main service on Family Sunday! We love the chance to worship together with the whole family!

Night of Worship
Join us for a night of worship! All age groups are welcome! Dinner and fellowship starting at 6:00pm, then worship starting at 7:00pm.

National Day of Prayer
We are hosting a site for the National Day of Prayer on May 5th. Stop by the Fellowship Hall between Noon-2pm to pray for our community and nation. You can find more information about the national theme HERE.

IF: West Hills
This year we are hosting a location of the IF Women’s Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity for women to spend a day growing as disciples of Jesus!
Register HERE to attend.

Church Work Day
It’s Spring Cleaning! Time to do some routine cleanup and campus-improvement projects around the church. Come by and help us out!

Joy Club Luncheon
Joy (Just Older Youth - a.k.a our senior ministry) is hosting a luncheon! It will be a fun time of games, music, and devotions. Boxed Lunch for $10. Call the church office for more information.

Night of Worship
Dinner and Fellowship from 6:00-7:00pm. The service will begin at 7:00pm. We hope you will join!

Discovering Calvary Membership Class Begins
Learn about Calvary Church’s beliefs, history and values, plus learn how you can become a member of our church! The class includes four sessions starting on Sunday, January 16th and continuing on Jan 23rd, Jan 30th and Feb 6th.

Ladies Holiday Luncheon
All Calvary Church ladies are invited for a time of fellowship, worship and lunch together as we celebrate the Christmas season!
Boxed lunch from Corner Bakery provided. Registration fee $10. Click HERE to register.

Drive-In Movie Night
Join us at we light our nativity scene and watch “The Nativity Story” as our drive-in movie! Plus hotdogs, popcorn and hot chocolate! See you there!

Family Picnic
Join us for a family picnic! We will be meeting at Topanga State Park for fellowship, food and nature walks. We hope your family can make it!

Open Arms Walk For Life 2021
The Walk for Life is an event hosted by Open Arms Pregnancy Clinic. It is a peaceful, positive event designed to give people a way to apply pro-life convictions, raise support for the clinic, and increase awareness in our community. You can register for the event and find more information HERE.

Kids Bible Clubs
Bible Clubs are a summer activity that includes games, music, crafts and Bible teaching for kids K-5th grade. Our goal is to provide a fun space for kids to learn about Jesus and invite their friends!
Bible Clubs meet Mon-Friday, mornings at 9:00am-11:00am
Register HERE.